Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Emotionally Abused >>2A

Dear friends... I get this article from teacher "Do You Emotionally Abused your Child?"
 Remember the discussion in class about parents who do not realise that they are abusing their own child, like us? "Parents continuously criticize the child"  that is one statement in the article. I like it. Sometimes, our parents just ignore our feelings, right?


  1. I don't think they are ignore our feelings. They are just too busy with their responsibility to get some income for the family and to manage the family (2C)

  2. 2D: agree with you. Sometimes parents become too harsh because they are too tired. We as children also need to understand them.

  3. 2B: Growing up is a process, we need adults to guide us, the adults that are close to us is our parents. They say things to us but I believe they care.

  4. 2E: Yes..our parents do care but they are also humans...humans err, right?
